Thursday, June 28, 2012

Brave- Review

Release Date: Jun 22, 2012; Length: 94 Minutes; Genre: Animation; With:Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson and Kelly Macdonald; Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures

Brave is the latest feature from Pixar, and we continue to be wowed. Brave is visually magical and original. It also continues with what seems to be a theme this year of gutsy heroines (Katniss in The Hunger Games and Snow White in Snow White and the Huntsman).

Merida (Kelly Macdonald) is a princess who longs for adventure. She's accompanied by her three little brothers (who are nothing but trouble and comedy), her father, King Fergus (Billy Connolly) and her mother, Queen Elinor (Emma Thomspon) who is trying to prepare toward betrothal to the right lord. As any child would, she rebels and runs off into the forest - that is filled with legends she's told of and the magic she and her mother believes in - and comes a cross a witch that changes her fate.

It's a story about fate, but seems to be more about the relationship between mother and daughter. Brave delivers the emotion. Visually, it's breathtaking and Pixar never seems to fail in that area. It's funny, entertaining for all audiences and it's original but, although it is original, it's predictable.

We've heard this story many times in many ways. Brave takes off on a good start but never seems to fully satisfy. You hear stories of legends and magic (and fate, of course) and yes, Brave does deliver, there is legends and magic, but while Brave is off to a good start, it never fully satisfies. It's bark was bigger than it's bite. B

1 comment:

  1. Good review Trevor. You can't go wrong with Pixar no matter what, but with this flick, they really bothered me because it was doing so well for so long, that in the middle when it has a big twist, it bummed me out considerably. Still, not their worst effort by any means.
